Friday, August 1, 2008

totally uneventful and unexpected

Went to Guangzhou yesterday to renew my passport. It took me two and a half hours from Shenzhen. I slept the whole ride...therefore it was uneventful.

Got to the Philippine Consulate, met a Filipino who happens to be a designer in Shenzhen. We talked about missing Manila, things we like in China and food. He taught me how to cook adobo, the perfect garlicy and oily adobo, which i will try to do next weekend.
We got our passports around 3pm and since we both haven't taken the train to Shenzhen we decided to try it.
We purchased our tickets through the "English Speaking Counter" (good they have that or we will end up in Beijing), went to the waiting area which was not chaotic. Went up the platform and that is when i took this shot. I never expected the train to look like that...clean and looks well maintained. The ticketing system impressed me, so did the train. Totally UNEXPECTED. It's clean and the seats are comfortable.

We took our seats and promised to sleep the whole again the ride was uneventful...Uneventful is actually an understatement!

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